Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP George

My first exposure to George Carlin was from a cassette of 'Playing with my head' that my brother bought and I ended up in possession of when I was 13 or so. I think I can still recite most of the lines from that recording. The stuff about sports, saying goodbye, 5 2's, etc. Shit, the other night I described Lacrosse as a "faggot college activity" during the course of some drunken conversation. Lines from that one stand-up album found a permanent place in my vocabulary.

Back in '98 or so, a friend and I made it up an Indian casino where Carlin was doing a show. He opened the show by saying "they say that Indians name their kids after the first thing they see when coming out of the makes you wonder why there aren't more kids named big wet hairy pussy." This actually drew boos from the crowd, and then Carlin snapped back "if you don't know that I'm on your side by now, fuck off." I was in stitches, the rest of the show was great. Carlin had such a unique ability of making poignant political and philosophical commentary on a vast array of subjects from religion to language. But then in a matter of minutes the show would change gears and he'd be making funny faces and contorting his body like a monkey. His physical humor almost made me piss myself on more that one occasion. Those shows from the 70s and 80s were pure genius. You'll be missed George.

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