Monday, September 08, 2008

Empty Pant Suit?

Politics are dominating my thinking right now, so politics are going to dominate this blog. It's amusing to me to watch the republicans try and tote Sarah Palin out on stage as someone who has the experience to be VP and potentially president at the same time as criticizing Obama on the experience issue. The irony is delic(ious)!

We've all heard the "Alaska is close to Russia" bit and the "she's commander of the Alaska National Guard" line as support for the idea that she has foreign policy experience and that she can lead troops into battle. I'm amazed that so many people have repeated this utterly ridiculous statement.

It's going to be interesting to see how the 'get-to-know Sarah Palin' story unfolds. The McCain camp is obviously shielding her from any scrutiny by not allowing any 1 on 1 interviews. You'd expect that she would be on the Sunday morning shows this week. She was not. There is one interview lined up with Charlie Gibson. It'll be interesting to see the kinds of questions he'll be allowed to ask and how she answers them. You can draw your own conclusions about why McCain is protecting her from the media, but it seems to me it is being done because they fear she's not prepared to answer questions that will be asked of her. She's already demonstrated ignorance regarding economic policy when she said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had "gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers" during a campaign rally in Colorado. This is obviously going to be a key economic issue for the next administration as it appears the government is going to have bail out these lenders. The fact that she didn't know they were privately owned companies should scare the bejeebus out of people. Eventually she's going to have to pay the piper, answer tough questions on the Sunday morning shows, and prove she has a clue. Let's sit back and watch.

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